Prospects from giant bamboo varieties

( For the first time, the giant bamboo variety originating from Thailand has been planted in the province. The model is expected to open up new opportunities for people in economic development; greening bare land, barren hills, preventing landslides and soil erosion in the face of unpredictable climate changes.

Bamboo plywood

Bamboo plywood is a board produced by joining bamboo or bamboo fibers into panels. Under great pressure of the bamboo bamboo (or bamboo fiber) compressor will create links with each other to form a unified block. Bamboo slats (or bamboo fibers) when linked also change properties, giving a higher hardness than before. Bamboo pressed sheets...

Bamboo charcoal

Bamboo charcoal must have been no stranger to many people. Bamboo charcoal is produced by charring bamboo wood at very high temperatures. Bamboo charcoal is called Activated Carbon – a form of carbon that is processed at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, a type of carbon is created a capillary structure, shaped...

Bamboo stick

EcoBambu is always available in a large number of bamboo sticks from the umbrella tree with a thickness of 1cm and basic lengths of 2m and 4m. EcoBambu's umbrella is grown in the Central region of Quang Ngai, so the tree is strong, strong and relatively straight.

The famous wooden bamboo – Guadua

The genus Guadua can be found in more tropical and subtropical areas of the world such as Central and South America. It includes more than twenty different varieties of woody bamboo, some of the largest bamboos in the tropical United States. These bamboos can be over 100 feet (30 m) tall and about 6 inches...

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